Pioneer India has launched the AVIC-F60BT in-car Audio, Video, Information & Communications entertainment system priced at Rs. 49,990. The system has inbuilt maps powered by Map-my-India Navigation specialists and is loaded with many functions and features for an enriched user experience.
AVIC is short for Audio, Video, Information & Communication – and AVIC-F60BT addresses all the needs of the end user for in-car entertainment. The system has a Hybrid Navigation solution - CHIPS (Common Hardware for Integrated Positioning System), which offer a high level of accuracy in identifying the car’s position. The maps are built in the system and provide the users features like 3-D Junction View, Images of Major Junctions, Lane guidance and much more.
For the first time, there is a 13-band graphic equalizer in an In-car entertainment system. The system has a host of technologies under its hood – from personalised DJ MIXTRAX to Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and high-tolerance acoustic capacitors. This makes the AVIC-F60BT among the most advanced in-car navigation-cum-entertainment systems in India.
Pioneer has provided many connectivity options for smart-phones and mobile devices, especially for Android & iOS users. It has the in-built MirrorLink and is also compatible with Siri Eyes Free. It also has some more handy features such as a steering wheel remote control, dual back-up (reverse) camera option, HD Video playback via USB/SD, etc.
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